121 advisors | A visionary tech solution to build the leaders and industries of tomorrow

121 advisor magazine cover

Avisionary tech solution to build the leaders and industries of tomorrow. 121Advisor is a consultancy service company founded by the masterminds of the industry with their immense talent, wisdom and tactics.

Founded in 2010, 121Advisor is revolutionizing strategies, business solutions, and regulating social media with professionals having years of expertise in the world of business.

We have led and pioneered several companies of social media channels, cloud solutions for domestic and international clients, information and technology, digital tech for the past 20 years.

With their tagline which says, ‘we don’t follow trends’ we look onto the emerging technologies and how effective they are for the future of the company in every aspect.

Here are the things which we bring on to you during every business plan-
● Focus on emerging trends
● Cost-effective solutions empowering different aspects of business

● The vision of takaful technology

Core values of 121 Advisor-

● Innovative- We encourage new ways and edgy tactics to fulfil the business needs.

● Integrity- Practices integrity in day-to-day life.
● Teamwork- Encourages cooperation and mutual decisions
● Quality- Provide the client with services and consultation of top-notch quality.


Q1. What are the insights of 121Advisor?

Past 20 years we have discovered several insights regarding some crucial industry subjects, emerging trends and policies which are highly profitable and practical. Some of the insights are listed below-

●  New chapters in the insurance sector

●  Cloud solutions for a national and international sectors

●  Revolutionizing fintech and InsurTech.

●  Companies which emerged with 121Advisory

●  Innovative models in Fintech company.

●  Leading innovations.


Q2. What kind of services are offered by 121Advisor?

The company follows the two impeccable models which are practical, easy and relevant. These two models are AIDA and ALA models. These are customized based on the company or person’s needs and target.

AIDA- More personalised with marketing interactions to make the right decision and purchase the perfect product. AIDA stands forAwareness of brand and product.

Interest- Personalised engagement.
Desire- Creating connections with the customers.

Action- Calling the customers to buy.

This plan is more towards personalised interactions and purchases, creating interest to buy the product. Its main motive is to create interest and desire for the product.

ALA- A model for servicing, cross-sell and upsell. It is more aligned to the service part of the business to ensure smooth flow of goods and sales.
Adoption- Personalised service arrangement.

Loyalty- Provide top-notch services.

Advocacy- Ensuring promising refferals.
The main motive of this model is to deliver quality experience and engagement of the services and encouraging healthy relationships with people.


Q3. What are some fresh marketing and technical ideas to boost businesses which are offered?

By sticking to their motto, “We don’t follow the trends” is what makes our company ahead of the time.

Futuristic ideas, AI usage and a lot more is what 121Advisor is implementing in their strategies.
We all know that digital marketing, using chatbots, E-learning, advanced cloud technology, robots with multilingual prospects are the future of effective business planning.

Digital Marketing-

● Marketing developed with personalised and integrate campaigns.

● Making brand awareness.
● Generating referrals to other websites and social media platforms.
● Selling the product to consumers or advisor sales via app.
● Servicing self-service portal and personalised engagement.
● Using SEO tools to regulate content and maximise the reach.
● Design and run email campaigns.
● Content creation based on edgy templates.

Chatbots -

● Robots are indeed a boon to mankind and a useful tool to minize manpower in responding to messages and queries. Reduces the cost of customer services upto 40%.

● It can communicate in several languages and Robo advisors for financial planning and product advice.

● Authenticated enquiries and status of customer applications is verified and claimed every time.

Hosting services -

● Reliable hosting with 24/7 support.
● Provision Saas and disaster recovery.

● 100% approved financial services.


Lockdown made us attend online lectures and courses. Taking into consideration, the courses provided can be downloaded for offline use, interactive sessions and enhances training via E-learning.

One can create E-learning modules with a Learning Management system that tracks the assessment.


Q4. Could you elaborate about seamless interrogation services?

These services include, SMS, Emails payment getaways etc. These are the messages which we received when there is any offer, tracking of the parcel or if any transaction is done. This is done by considering the following

● Personalization via auto persona analysis

● Multi-channel analytics
● Online store regulators
● Community and E-marketing distribution.

● Responsive interrogation portal.

● Product setup automated testing.

● Robo Advisory.

121 Advisory also provides solutions and the digital frameworks to make marketing and circulating of goods and services easier.

EXCLUSIVE- One Two One Advisor becomes the Kentico Software Gold partner. Kentico is a Microsoft Gold certified partner in Czech Republic. It has ties with some top companies like Gibson, Starbucks, Vogue, Hyundai, Allergan, Mazda and Kingspan.


Q5. With whom 121 Advisor is partnered with?

Kentico- A strong vendor brand and a global company which is a content management system with two products of Content and Experience.

Net Onboard- Enables 121 Advisor to manage host solutions on a large scale with low investment. The company sets track records since 2010 for 121 Advisor and has been quite a success.

Talent Keys- Talent management company with digital solutions with training and consultancy services.
These three are the main partners which play a vital role in the management of the company and providing the numerous services.


Q6. What are the digital requirements provided by the company for businesses?

Technology is dominating and certainly taking over the business models. Management, regulating sales, tracking the data of the company, everything is done digitally and emerging technologies is making it even easier.

Building Predictive Analysis Model for Banking, Insurance and Takaful.
Focuses on predictive marketing and sales, personalised plans and prediction for further reuslts of applied strategies.


Uses a natural language, local languages to communicate with people and improves the customer engagement and personalised experience to gain customers.

Web Portal solutions for Sales and Services(WebPos)

Responsive websites, personalised experience with content, sales and management of work.

Referral Management and Marketing Automation (ReMMA)
Tracks and manages the lead referrals and regulates the traffic of the website, targeted campaigns and engagement.

Sales activity Mobile App (SAMA)

Allows the agents to plan and manage the activities in the business to be lead smoothly.

Choices Online Store (COS)

Allows insurers to manage the flow of direct purchase. Can integrate and communicate with the multi-lingual chatbots.

Takeful and Insurance Mobility made Simple(TIMMS)

Platform to identify the financial needs, make presentations, submit applications, and regulation of queries and complaints.

Customer Self Service Portal

Allows the organisation to engage with the members to improve the business strategies.

Community and E-work site Marketing and Distribution(CeMD)
Community Portal solutions to create trust and nuture the community of customers well.

Multi Channel Distribution Management


Built-in management and compensation computation to improve sales and administration cost.

Enterprise Product Configurator (EPC)

Setting up product rates, illustrations, and testing modules for quick deployment.

What do we have to say?

Technology is dynamic and the future of businesses. Trends are changing and evolving into more automized ways which require less manpower and decision making.

In this One Two One Advisory is giving their contribution to make a better tomorrow with effective business tactics so that a fresh start is sustained.
With personalised ideas, services and excellent expertise of top industrialists 121 Advisors offers you a full strategy for your fresh start.

Digital marketing, website trafficking, content management, goods supply and shipment is all the advisory takes into account for the perfect business plan.

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