Lavelle Network | A leading online content and services provider

Shyamal Kumar

Today we are in conversation with Shyamal Kumar, CEO of Lavelle Networks. Lavelle Networks accelerates networks for the digital economy by offering software-defined networking solutions that solve the biggest challenges in the WAN for distributed enterprises. Spread across Mumbai, Bangalore, and Delhi metropolitan cities, Lavelle Networks' business got off the ground in 2015.

"Talking to them, we got to know that as challengers, the company felt that the massive underserved need for enterprise networks connecting to the cloud would create opportunities for them to ride the tailwinds of the market inflection point, which all of us collectively refer to as SDWAN. This position became apparent in 2015, as the world observed enormous growth in public cloud services in enterprises."

Let’s take a look on their services

● Network-as-a-service

The company provides network-as-a-service by using its software to monitor, improve, and secure the customers’ networks across their branch offices, data centers, and cloud locations.

● Help Desk

Instead of spending time on enterprise network configurations, tools, and troubleshooting, the customers communicate with their SD-WAN helpdesk service for all network management.

● Effective cloud service

Lavelle Network allows clients to concentrate on their primary business applications while using their cloud service to handle the networks on their behalf.

Since companies are offering similar services in the business world today, it might seem challenging to set Lavelle Network apart from its counterparts. If you are thinking the same, here is how Lavelle is different.

Thanks to the software architecture, they can scale on any platform, be it hardware, cloud, or SaaS. As a result, since entering the market until now, they have developed the largest networks in India.

The second feature of their business is their widespread and unwavering commitment to the clientele. Running a national network over various operator lines and applications is challenging. However, their clients carry it out. Therefore, their primary goal is to provide the most exemplary support for the customers’ IT teams. This has resulted in a solid reputation within the business.

However, this was not an easy position to acquire. There were many obstacles throughout. For example, the capacity to constantly prioritize because you have little control over how the demands of your team, family, business, or environment will change.

How did you understand the obstacles in business?

He said, An easier way to understand the obstacles is to understand how you can balance your shortterm priorities, which occasionally may cause you to conflict with your long-term ones, while maintaining your commitment to your long-term priorities or how can you manage your short-term priorities, which occasionally may put you at odds with your long-term vision but still need to be done while maintaining your commitment to your longterm priorities?

The most significant obstacle to being a successful CEO is the capacity to balance both long- and short-term priorities and problems while maintaining focus on the proper ones.

The success acquired by the company over the past few years can also be credited to the understanding of its co-founder & CEO - Shyamal Kumar. The company believes that he has never failed to display his willingness to grow and learn to excel. After all, let’s face it, these are the secret ingredients of success for the more significant proportion of the modern corporate world. In a recent interview, Shyamal Kumar said that all facets of his life, including the spiritual, emotional, social, and professional ones, have undergone a substantial transformation due to his experience in starting the business.

When asked about his early education and career

The CEO mentioned “I accidentally became a software engineer while preparing for my MBA following engineering. After that, I was hooked on software engineering and never looked back. The passion for building great software and solving problems in modern internet communication were two things that brought me here. Today I am building India’s fastest-growing networking software company, and we are solving some of the most complex network problems for the modern enterprise."

But, all of this is sustainable only if a company’s core values are established and not compromised. Thus, here are some of Lavelle Networks’s core values and guiding principles:

● Respect one another.

● Be fiercely honest

● Remain grounded and modest

● Pay attention to your anxieties, then face them head-on with courage.

That being said, no company becomes a success story without encountering challenges. Lavelle Network had its fair share of challenges to overcome to reach where it stands today. Amongst them, building the ability to concentrate on what counts while learning to let the rest take its course presents the most significant difficulty.

Working with Lavelle Networks has several challenges, but the largest one is learning to say “no” to the things you are not concentrating on. This is primarily because there are great expectations for a young startup.

The company has also been so kind as to share its beliefs about the evaluation of user access following a structured process. According to them, changing the control and an ISO-certified approval process are used for all user access. The organization has measures in place to enforce all credentials aggressively. User access patterns are audited for all applications in the last term.

When asked about the company’s objectives, he had a lot to say! A company with such a fantastic turnout as Lavelle must have some overarching objectives. Here are the company’s objectives that they thrive to achieve:

● Excellent Network Experience

Its goal is to give all of its customers the most pleasing network experience possible across any device, application, and cloud. This reflects their awareness of their client’s need for a solid network. This is also appropriate in the sense that it leads to better productivity.

● Operational Network

The company knows that the customers can conduct business there as long as the enterprise network is operational. To achieve this vision and purpose, they want to be the trusted network experience partner for the customers.

Lastly, the company has delightful ideas of where they see themselves in the coming years, considering the current changes in business technology and innovation. They aim to expand their business 10X in the upcoming years. To achieve so, they are increasing the scope of their business to more than a thousand clients and assuming the top spot on the market for the network as a service.

We must say that they are very close to their aim since Lavelle Network ranks among the Top 3 SDWAN providers in the market today. Nevertheless, they are industrious and still vying for the top spot as an early leader.

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