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Artificial intelligence

AI is the next technological revolution. It will make us more productive and increase our level of happiness.


AI is an acronym for Artificial Intelligence, a field of computer science that aims to create intelligent machines.


AI is an umbrella term that refers to the interdisciplinary study and design of intelligent machines, including both human-level intelligence (the ability of a machine to understand and respond to humans) and superhuman intelligence (the ability of a machine to outperform humans at almost any task).


AI can be broadly defined as "the science and engineering of making intelligent machines". AI has the potential to transform many industries, including healthcare, transportation, business, education, robotics, finance and the military. The scientific goals of AI are often divided into subfields such as computer vision or machine learning; each of which offers distinct challenges. AI is about to go mainstream, with applications spanning from healthcare and education to finance and transportation.


 Nowhere was this more evident than when we witnessed the rise of mobile devices and the internet in our daily lives. It’s only been a few years since smartphones were introduced on the market  but they have completely changed how we communicate and interact with others, as well as how we research information online. Similarly, artificial intelligence (AI) is poised to revolutionise computing in ways that were not possible even ten years ago.


The future of AI is a lot more exciting than you might think. But it seems that there are some misconceptions among the general public about what this new technology will be able to achieve.


In particular, many people seem to think that AI is only good for automating tasks and making decisions based on logical algorithms. While AI can certainly do these things, it also has much more potential than that.


For example, AI can be used in applications such as healthcare, education and finance to help humans make better decisions. It can also help machines learn from humans by teaching them how to solve problems in different ways and by allowing them to adapt their behaviour according to different circumstances. Artificial intelligence is a rapidly growing field, and it’s not just about computers with human-like capabilities. It’s about the development of software that can accomplish tasks that would otherwise be impossible or extremely difficult for humans to do. AI is also taking on a variety of forms – from autonomous vehicles to chatbots to virtual assistants – that are all becoming increasingly useful in our everyday lives.


While there are many ways to use AI, one of the most exciting developments involves machine learning, which is an essential part of AI development. Machine learning refers to a process where computers can learn from data and improve their performance over time by analyzing more data. For example, a computer might be able to recognize images or videos more accurately after being trained on several hundred different examples.


Machine learning is one of the key components behind advances in artificial intelligence and has been used for decades by companies like Google and Facebook to improve search results or recommend relevant content based on user preferences. The most exciting thing about artificial intelligence (AI) is that it is an idea whose time has come. It has been around for decades – in fact, since at least the 1940s – but just when we thought we had reached peak AI, new advances in machine learning have made it possible to do things that humans can’t do without AI.


AI isn’t just about being able to answer questions; it’s also about being able to answer them better than humans can. As a result, we are seeing increasing demand for AI professionals who can develop these types of capabilities for businesses and organisations.


Artificial intelligence is increasingly being used for tasks that were once considered impossible or too complex for computers, such as recognizing objects in images from satellite images or text from news articles, or understanding complex concepts like grammar and language structure.

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