Kc Rossi: Supporting Holistic Entrepreneurs Scale a Profitable and Soul-Aligned Business

Kc Rossi

When you start your journey as an entrepreneur, many things do not go your way. You are challenged continuously at every step of your entrepreneurial journey, and there are chances where you might lose focus on your goal. All you need at this stage is guidance and someone who can give you the right advice to achieve your goal.
Meet Kc Rossi, who has been an entrepreneur for 30 years and knows what it takes to scale a profitable & soul-aligned business. She is the Mindset & Self-Leadership Coach at Kc Rossi, Inc., who encourages people to grow their business and attains the goals for entrepreneurs.
At Insights Success, we caught up with Kc Rossi to know more about her journey and how she is helping women level up, lead, and leave a legacy.

Below are the highlights of the interview:

Brief our audience about your journey as a business leader until your current position at Kc Rossi, Inc. What challenges did you have to overcome to reach where you are today?

Statistics show that 90% of all start-ups fail. I’ve been an entrepreneur for over 30 years. Spanning 3 decades takes an undying belief system and perseverance. My business partner and I created 9 businesses in 4 years, lived in our car, invested our life savings, and worked at McDonald’s before our 10th business took off; a confection manufacturing company that we operated for 17 years hitting the 7+ figure mark annually.
Later in the journey, I decided to branch out on my own to explore other creative endeavors. I quickly learned how unique it was being a part of a dynamic duo. The challenge of cultivating confidence and attaching my self-worth to my services as a solopreneur arose. It took a couple of years of an “identity wobble” to establish a solid foundation that felt comfortable to stand on alone. Traversing all terrains was a necessary part of the process that allowed me to intimately learn all the jigs and jags it takes to build the life of your dreams.

Tell us something more about your company and its mission and vision.

It’s my mission to foster women’s empowerment. I’m driven to help high-achieving female entrepreneurs go from people-pleasing, burned-out perfectionists to profitable powerhouses. My coaching company is dedicated to dissolving limiting beliefs, shapeshifting to a growth mindset, and contributing to feminine elevation through courageous visibility. I see a future world that respects all voices where souls support each other because collectively we rise higher. I’m committed to teaching that wealth extends beyond just financial success — it is the combination of physical, emotional, spiritual, financial, connection, and collective affluence.

Enlighten us on how you have made an impact in the soul-aligned business niche through your expertise in the market?

Through my Women Developing Brilliance® — The Spirit of Business podcast I’ve been able to connect with powerful female leaders on a mission to serve. Our deep, unedited conversations on women in business, integrating spirituality into our work, and what it takes to have a soul-aligned business have touched listeners throughout the world. Our real talk allows women to catch a spark of inspiration so they can bust out of their comfort zone and bravely share their gifts.

Describe in detail the values and the work culture that drives your organization.

At the heart of my organization are integrity and alignment. The work culture rotates around self-leadership, autonomy, and the Kaizen philosophy of never-ending improvement. In order to achieve this goal, being mindful of purpose, joy, and hope for the future is necessary. Our work as entrepreneurs is a direct reflection of how we live our lives. In that, it takes walking our talk and implementing the teachings to truly be a radiant exemplar to others.

Undeniably, technology is playing a significant role in almost every sector. How are you leveraging technological advancements to make your solutions resourceful?

With the click of a button, I can publish a podcast episode and have it almost instantly broadcast on major networks including Apple Podcasts, Pandora, and Audible. The listeners can tune in anytime, anyplace, and enjoy the latest episode or one in the library.
It’s never been easier to harness the power of advanced social media and website analytics to understand how my content is being received. Having this data at my fingertips allows the opportunity to tweak material so it has the most impact and reach.

If given a chance, what change would you like to bring to the industry?

Leaders and teams are thirsty for the opportunity to let their guard down, authentic connection, and a genuine work-life balance. I would love to see hustle culture squashed. The incessant messaging to push harder and grind in order to be successful is toxic on multiple fronts. It’s my goal to help people shift from overworking to a holistic balance of productivity and restoration for a sustainable career.

What, according to you, could be the next big change in holistic entrepreneurship? How is your company preparing to be a part of that change?

The next big change that I see in holistic entrepreneurship is not being afraid to bring all facets of ourselves to work. To be brave enough to openly speak about topics that are close to our hearts despite the current cancel culture. It starts by approaching our work as if we are client zero. Modeling authentic, unapologetic communication is a top priority for my business. This will pave the way for others to do the same.

Where do you envision yourself to be in the long run and what are your future goals for Kc Rossi, Inc.?

I’m a forever entrepreneur; it’s in my DNA. I love creating something from nothing and seeing the positive ripple effects of the work. My future goal is to keep showing up for myself and for other women who desire to be self-actualized — to cultivate a sacred space for all voices to be heard and embody the “we are stronger together” phrase as an active philosophy vs. a trendy hashtag.

What would be your advice to budding entrepreneurs who aspire to venture into the industry?

Take the time to turn within and get in touch with your core values, belief system, and emotional drivers. Build your boundaries in the beginning so that you are creating a framework that will serve your holistic well-being. And lastly, learn to tune in to your intuition so that you develop the habit of self-trust — this alone will give you a major success advantage.

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