ICUE TECHNOLOGY: Delivering an Immersive Online Learning Platform with Advanced AI Technology

Joshua K. Christophe

Education enriches the awareness of individuals about themselves and the world. It increases the quality of their lives and contributes to widespread social benefits for individuals and society. Education increases the efficiency and innovation of stimulates entrepreneurship and developments in technology. “My partners and I have spent over 20 years in the education and training space, specifically in distance learning with clients located in all corners of the world. We have found that one of the biggest challenges in education is how it is approached by both the providers and the consumers,” said Joshua K.CEO of iCUE Technology.  

Getting a learner to want to participate and advance is always where companies fall short and as businesses transition to having more employees working remotely it becomes even more difficult. Remote employees can need training and development opportunities far more than those working in the conventional office environment because they cannot connect and interact with their colleagues and peers. Companies invest extensively in  learning management programs to fill the training gaps in order not only to prepare but also to connect with their employees in ways that improve productivity and job satisfaction. Using our homegrown AI, delivering personalized content and engaging the learner at different levels is what sets us apart. 

As iCUE Technology initially rolled out its learning and  development software, businesses began reaching out to them before the organization was even ready because of its background in education and personal development.“We knew we were onto something. We were solving  problems individual learners had faced for years,so the same principles translated to needs in the B2B space. Our AI was then created and taught to work with employees to remove limiting beliefs and improve happiness by reaching out to train the individual,” added Christopherson. It effectively learns what personal challenges an employee faces and suggests courses, videos, audios and then prompts action.  

“iCUE’s software allows businesses to use  their own content that they want to be delivered to their users or a blend of iCUE’s hundreds of courses and content. Once the second version of our software went live, things really took off for us. Public  schools started using select  courses and programs to help teens with anxiety and conflict resolution, network marketing  companies began using it to train their teams, pro sports trainers and even the medical field began licensing the software to train nurses,” added Christopherson.


Although they can vary in terms of the products and services they provide, successful businesses also share features that help make them successful. One must first have the determination to excel to succeed and the ambition to see an initiative through. A secret to innovative and profitable businesses is the old saying, “the customer is always right. “Not only do these businesses do their best to ensure that their clients are satisfied—they listen to their customers as well. Innovative companies are continually  evolving, often testing out new ideas and delivering innovative products and services. Based on its services and business strategies,  iCUE Technology has been listed as one of the Top 50 Most Innovative Companies to Watch in 2021 after months of research and assessment of hundreds of fastest-growing technology companies.

iCUE Technology’s success in training employees is from a combination of AI+HI. Artificial Intelligence plus Human Intelligence! The benefits of AI-backed learning are massive. It allows the organization to fill in the gaps and customize the learner’s experience to the individual specifically. AI allows the software to find how a person feels and tailor its training and learning to precisely what moves the needle for the individual or the business. Combining that type of insight with the organization’s Mentor on Demand™ tool allows a student to connect with a coach live, face-to-face, and get the support and  immediate help to see results quickly. 

Entrepreneurs face many obstacles in today’s ultra-competitive business world. Most companies are faced with the problem of getting someone to engage consistently with training or learning. Whether it’s skillset  training or training to improve culture, getting an employee or individual to take the actions to learn new habits is often difficult. iCUE Technology solved that with  its AI coach. She will check in with individuals on how they  feel and then engage with them and suggest solutions or tools to help. When we launched this tool, engagement increased by over 85% overnight for its customers.  

The organization never set out to create another content delivery tool or LMS. They wanted to solve the problems businesses face when delivering training to individuals and in the process improve happiness and satisfaction in  the workplace. “To do that, we needed to create the  content we had learned over 20 years would “move the needle” for businesses. Then coach people through it and  drive them to success on a personal level. Too many  companies are trying to create an app or simple tool to solve this. Experience has shown us that while a meditation app or push notification can be fun and seem great, it won’t solve individuals’ underlying problems on their learning path. We’ve solved that with our software,” said Christopherson. 

iCUE Technology is working on some incredible  solutions for businesses this year. Integrating voice  technology and analyzing vibrations and tones in its  learner’s voices to help curate content and serve it up is only one exciting thing the organization will be rolling out. It will be like your car taking you to the restaurant you want, without you even telling it you are hungry yet. 




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