Argus Cyber Security: An expert cyber vehicle security company

Ronen Smoly

In a connected, software-defined world, Argus improves vehicle safety by offering embedded security and analytics from development to production. Ronen Smoly, the CEO of Aegis Cyber Security, is successfully guiding the business.

What sets them apart?

Representatives from Argus stressed the company’s comprehensive approach to vehicle cyber security during a recent interview. Argus offers not only top-notch embedded technology but also a complete solution for the full mobility sphere with a focus on innovation and back-end services. Over 65 million drivers worldwide have come to trust them because of their dedication to safety.

The world-class professionals on Argus’ staff who have contributed 600 man years of research, more than 100 patents, and countless responsible disclosures are proof of the company’s skill in the field of automotive cyber-security research.

Argus employs over 200 cyber security specialists who are actively engaged on multiple series production projects for top automakers at sites all over the world, including nine leadership positions.



The extensive advisory services offered by Argus for compliance with automotive cyber security were highlighted by business officials. Argus, a leader in the sector with decades of experience, provides specialized solutions to guarantee that vehicles are secure by design, that management systems fulfill consumer expectations, and that businesses adhere to legal obligations like WP29 UNR 155 and industry standards like ISO/SAE 21434.

As automotive cyber security rules become more complicated, Argus understands that achieving compliance calls for specialized knowledge and established experience. To help car manufacturers and suppliers overcome obstacles and work cooperatively to establish new strategies, eliminate gaps, and satisfy the security and privacy demands of regulators and customers, Argus delivers comprehensive cyber security management consulting.

Gap analysis, which entails comprehending current systems and obstacles to acquiring compliance certificates and achieving vehicle type approval, is one of Argus’s services. In order to ensure that new processes, procedures, policies, and toolkits are in line with the regulatory environment as well as internal capabilities and needs, Argus also offers process definition and implementation support. Finally, Argus provides pre-audit services and certification support to assist clients in obtaining organizational and product certifications.


The cyber security engineers at Argus support the development process to guarantee that the components and vehicles are built with security in mind. Argus has the knowledge and experience to guarantee a secure solution, whether it involves strengthening current security engineering or developing a solution from scratch.

Argus is a firm believer in incorporating reliable cyber security measures into cars and their systems from the very beginning of development. To guarantee that security considerations are incorporated from the onset, they provide services for concept and TARA (Threat and Risk Assessment).

Argus is a valued partner in all stages of car and ECU development programs thanks to its decades of combined knowledge in both the automotive and cyber security engineering fields. To ensure that cyber security risks are reduced and cars are built to withstand potential threats, they offer insightful information and practical solutions.

Manufacturers rely on Argus to provide a thorough evaluation of the projected vehicle’s E/E architecture and associated services infrastructure prior to its debut. Before a vehicle is released into the market, Argus performs an architecture study to find any potential vulnerabilities and make sure the vehicle is secure-by-design.


Argus appears to provide a variety of testing services to make sure that automobiles, the hardware and software that make them up, and the related services are safe and compatible with laws. Code review, fuzz testing, and penetration testing are a few of these testing services. Additionally, Argus gives an Alexa Auto security evaluation, which offers specialized testing to guarantee that automobiles utilizing Alexa Voice Services adhere to Amazon’s security standards.


To assist automotive firms in navigating the path of continuous compliance and securing their software-defined cars, Argus provides a variety of operational support services. These services include of L1-L3 SOC operations, use case and playbook support, vulnerability management, and incident response.

Argus incident response services offer on-call assistance for attacks that are already underway, assisting businesses with event analysis, attack path reconstruction, attack containment, response planning, and incident recovery. Their Security Incident Response Team (SIRT) makes use of unmatched expertise in every area of automotive cyber security to offer businesses the greatest defense against assaults.

Another important feature that Argus provides is vulnerability management as a service. This service entails routine, current scans of the flaws impacting the machinery and parts of an organization. From conception to completion, Argus monitors, addresses, and reports on any software or vehicle vulnerabilities, assisting in maintaining consumer safety, privacy, and brand reputation.

Argus’ use case and playbook support enables businesses to stay ahead of cyber security problems by educating them about the dangers they face, potential indicators of penetration, monitoring techniques, and proper responses. Use case engineering is conducted by Argus, which also identifies important attack vectors, scenarios, and data indications. As a result, businesses have access to a single source for information on risks to consumer safety, security, and privacy as well as to their own operations.

Last but not least, L1-L3 SOC operations from Argus offer businesses a variety of support services to assist them in responding to new cyber security issues. Initial triage, the elimination of false positives, the involvement of subject matter experts, and the escalation to L3 SOC services for the quickest event resolution are some of these services.

Concluding Remarks

The process of maintaining automotive cyber security includes regular monitoring of new and changing threats. Cybersecurity has turned into a crucial component of maintaining consumer safety, privacy, and brand reputation as the automobile sector increasingly relies on software-defined vehicles and linked services.

In general, Argus offers businesses the specialized expertise and tested capacity they require to remain ahead of developing and changing cyber security risks in the automobile industry. Companies can guarantee the security, privacy, and brand reputation of their software-defined cars and connected services with their help.

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