Suplari: Spend Agility's parent company | Spend Intelligence Cloud

Nikesh Pareksh

“Transforming Data into Actionable Insights for Operational Excellence”

The challenge to drive operational performance in every company is to learn how to gather data and structure it well so that maximum advantage can be taken out of it. The most basic use of data is to understand and optimize your services according to your customers preference is to boost profit and revenue in return.

While the data is only the information in clusters, data analytics can help organize that data into sorted form, enabling you to get a rational source out of that data that you can use to grow your business. If you find it easy to form a group of mathematicians or IT guys to create an in-house team for running your analytics, then hats off, otherwise external consultants is the ideal solution.

Similar to data analytics and management, if you know where to spend your money into your business activities where you can actually monetize and double them, then it will be easier for you to prevent extravagance and overspending. In addition to your accountants, finance managers and consultancy team can help you in supervising the proper way to spend the bucks.

If you are looking to consult some masterminds in order to understand the numbers of your company better to scale up and expand the reach then, Suplari is that supervising company you need to contact. Nikesh Parekh, co-founder and CEO of Suplari, explains the platform to be the financial firewall for your company helping you reduce cost and manage cash flow.

Suplari– Your Financial firewall

Co-founded by Nikesh Parekh, Suplari is a spend agility company that aims to provide complete assessment of your cash flow in order for you to identify and predict the changes helping you cash out the value adding opportunities. Suplari comes forward to promote enhanced visibility and operational functioning for your enterprise when dealing with suppliers.

Established on a smart AI tool that incorporates leverage machine learning to achieve advanced actions and operations for data treatment and reduction in financial cost, the aim of the behind Suplari is to optimize costs while assuring compliance and reducing the risks of fraud and theft.

In the mid 2021 Suplari became a part of Microsoft to promote a data driven future while promoting the growth of AI. Together the companies are leading with strong commitment to data ingestion and networking to deliver an immediate rate of investments and make your company’s long term goals turn into reality.


With smart AI, Suplari understands the business environment and metrics that work intuitively for your interface in order to start delivering quality results and ROI within weeks. The services offered by the organization include data integration, categorization, insight customisation, and normalization of company’s supplier data.

The machine learning technology deep cleanse the cache and other useless information out of the system. The AI gives you valuable insights of the datasets and allows you to understand how you are spending your money so you can change the structure and reconstruct the expenditure system.

Integration of analytics

Sulpari was created as a data normalization platform which was integrated as a data science platform when inside an analytics came together to provide a workflow that is collaborative and drives accountability. The analytics feature came as a huge requirement for companies and business leaders especially during the time of the global pandemic.

Sulpari enabled the big businesses to get solutions as quickly as possible to keep running without any turbulence. It offers expenditure visibility with the help of collaborative data across the enterprise resulting in proactive finding areas where opportunities to save money can be found.

Challenges that occurred

To create a platform that is customer focused and highly intuitive for the business and its growth the challenges to scale it and satisfy the clients with the services they want were always the driven part of the business. The challenges impacted Suplari reach the level where it is now.

Developing different data sets the product strategy of Suplari has always evolved which currently also focuses on different use cases to build complementary insights for the respective use cases. Purchases, expenses, and travels are the main datasets the company is focusing to build on right now.

How can you use Suplari to your advantage?

Understanding the cash flow is important for all the businesses. Positive or negative, cash flow is a crucial factor that affects your business in many ways. Where positive cashflow is another word for a successful business model, the negative cash flow if not properly strategized to minimize its effect can lead to bankruptcy.

The ebb and flow of cash flow is completely normal and is regulated due to many factors, but for some reason if you are experiencing a negative cash flow for a certain period of time now, then you are either using acquisitions or new equipment to expand your business. Your struggles with collectibles are simply drowning your business into a failing hell. Gaining a complete insight of your cash flow statements go above and beyond than just counting the numbers.

With supportive databases and a team of intellects that are highly committed to their services, Suplari can drive your company’s cash flow with minimum effort and stress from your side. The powerful AI learning machine helps gather and organize the data into sortable pieces, offering you a gainful insight to master decision making regarding money.

You may have a plenty of money or cash reserve right now, but rash spending will only deploy the reserve leading them to burn completely. Suplari AI will help you discover the influences of the cash flow providing you real-time analytics and information on where the changes in expenditure are needed to be made.

Concluding Remarks

Your cash inventories will certainly suffer if even after having a plethora of cash reserves you are unable to collect overdue invoices or suffer to sustain the accounts receivable. Negative cash flow can also be the result of the clients payment issues. Either they pay late or do not pay at all, it ultimately has a negative impact on your business. When you are late in paying your liabilities on time, you can struggle to get your hands on the business loan in future as well.

Understanding cash flow is made easier with the uniquely designed AI of Suplari, which enables a valuable assessment to reduce the uncertainty in the cash flow to prevent your company’s liquidity and financial performance from getting hindered. You get organized balance sheets, income statements, and transactions all in check with the AI tool to minimize your resources and efforts while keeping the cash flow in and out smoothly.


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