FEHN Legal | A full-service law firm that specializes in helping businesses and individuals with their legal needs.

Dr. Bernd Joseph Fehn

Have you ever felt alienated talking to a tax account or legal advisor as if he/she speaks a very unfamiliar language to you? Do you ever find yourself unable to understand a document before signing it? You must then relate to the fact that when your tax advisor or accountant speaks to you about something you just listen throughout the whole conversation without attempting to participate in the conversation for once.

Do you aim to start your own business but are afraid to take the first step because of different legal documentation requirements and other financial prospects? Do you relate to the fact that legitimate investments such as term insurance and mutual funds go over your head because you are too intimidated to understand the terms and conditions?

I can continue stating the facts but I will tell you what, there are thousand excuses to not do something that you really want to do or that will be really beneficial for you in the future. And so is why we had accompanied Prof. Dr. dr Fehn who as a legal advisor and defense attorney aims to provide the best legal and tax consultations to the clients with their team members at FEHN Legal.

With the best understanding of criminal law, medical law, law compliance, legal consulting, and criminal defense, FEHN legal brings forward the best team of professionals to give their right opinions and advice for your betterment.

As a tax accountant and an attorney-at-law there are numerous publications in the form of books, articles in specialist journals, and other contributions which have found esteemed attention in the legal literature which is contributed by Prof. Dr. dr Fehn. Certified in defense lawyer in fiscal offense law and business criminal law has one Prof. Dr. Fehn the position of a prominent person who has deliberately delivered their best lecture events at the police leadership Academy, the German police University, the federal University of applied sciences for public administration and many others.

When people can not suffice themselves in the elite intellectual crowd to take a stand for righteousness due to the unawareness of laws and legality, how does FEHN Legal aims to make a difference?

The entire range of criminal law comes under the focus of FEHN Legal with the main attention on the commercial, tax, sports, and medical criminal laws, including International criminal law. With a dedicated and fully committed team of highly qualified attorneys, FEHN Legal has proven worth to their clients for decades through the professional services and best advice in different areas of legal advisory.

Our company functions distinctively to focus on the corporate criminal laws that are aimed at entrepreneurs, managing directors, board members, and other executives including private individuals seeking the right legal advice. Our commitment to consistency and high-quality services using customer-oriented approach to give them creative solutions ensures our local as well as International clients their maximum satisfaction.

Usually the people unaware and unrelated to the field of both law and medicine, picture the law advisories by generally relating it to the courtroom, a manufacturing company or a corporate firm, although law extends its way to the medical field as well. How does FEHN Legal approach the medical field as a tax advisory and consultant firm?

Doctors, pharmacists, hospital operators, medical and dental Care centers (MVZ/ ZMVZ), veterinarians, factoring companies in the healthcare sector, manufacturers of pharmaceuticals, and medical devices contract research organizations as well as biotechnology companies all come under the field of medical law and medical criminal law. Our professional experts provide every possible legal support and advice for the medical staff and dental practitioners or MVZ and ZMVZ, to support them in the sale and purchase of practices that disclose within the medical law.

Tax or criminal law that is associated with the medical profession is also focused on by our professional team at FEHN Legal. The medical field is closely connected with commercial criminal law for which our professionals provide in-depth knowledge of the workings of financial administration, jurisdiction, and other tax advice for the same.

We learned about the significance of the awareness of laws in the field of medicine. What other major fields come under your area of expertise that are covered by your team at FEHN Legal?

Our team at FEHN Legal is adequately qualified to give you advice and representation particularly in administrative criminal law such as environmental criminal law, or official offenses, professional law of the health care professions, infection protection law, and other related danger prevention law. We keep a qualitative understanding of Police and regulatory law with administrative enforcement law and can guide you through the same.

We at FEHN Legal stand for solving criminal and tax law problems that are increasingly exploiting the large clubs and associations including outsource commercial enterprises and agencies in this sports industry.

What methods FEHN Legal as a tax consulting organization uses to form deeper relationships with clients as well as local or international tax firms?

If you need legal advise or want to consult on a field where the aims of FEHN Legal does not meet the proper requirements, the company does not compromise with your convenience because the organization works with various law firms and tax consulting firms of various orientation in Germany as well as abroad to provide the quality services in wide field of studies. FEHN Legal has formed a robust network that marks the excellency of the members in maintaining not only clients relationships but also intensive relationships within the branches of the organization. FEHN Legal also possesses profound relationships with the United States to counter the related services without having to compromise the state boundaries.

Lastly, how does FEHN Legal define the objective of the organization to bring awareness and strengthen the integrity of the economy?

Implementation of organizational measures can prevent and even eliminate any legal problems within an organization such as supervisory measures, assertion liability claims, approbation, criminal offense etc. And hence, the last cross legal focus of FEHN Legal is with regard to the law that enables us to bring the change in the society and strengthen the integrity of the economy. We have qualitative expertise and paramount experience in compliance consulting for clinics including ZMVZ/ MVZ which is not limited to that only but extends in relation to commercial companies.

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