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Artificial Intelligence, What is it? What does it mean?

Well, the answers to these questions are in this article. Artificial intelligence is known as the science and engineering of making intelligent machines like intelligent computer programs. 

It is related to the similar tasks of using computers to understand human intelligence but AI or artificial intelligence doesn’t confine to methods that are biologically observable. This definition was offered by John McCarthy in 2004 in his paper. 


Although before this definition artificial intelligence was coined by Alan Turing in his seminal work ‘Computing machinery and Intelligence’ which was published in 1950.

He also offers a test, now famously known as the “Turing Test” when a human tries to interrogate between a computer and human test response. 

Though this test undergoes various scrutiny it remains an important part of the history of AI.  


In the simplest way, possible Artificial intelligence is a field that combines computer science and robust datasets to enable problem-solving. It also has subfields of machine learning and deep learning.

The specific applications of AI include expert systems, language processing, speech recognition and machine vision.



When people say that they use Artificial intelligence that is actually the machine learning which they use which is a part of AI.

Artificial intelligence requires specific hardware and software for writing and training machine learning algorithms. In general, AI systems work by ingesting a large amount of labeled training data, analyzing the data, and using these patterns or future states

AI programming focuses on three cognitive skills and they are learning, reasoning and self-correction. 


AI has application in many markets such as healthcare, business, education, finance, law, manufacturing, banking, transportation, and security. It can be useful in all the fields in various ways to help people in these respective areas.



The impact of AI on society is quite debatable as people agree and disagree with the usage of AI in their lives. Many people accept the fact AI improves the quality of everyday life by doing routine and complicated tasks better than humans and hence makes their life simpler, easier and more efficient. 


But there are also people who disagree with this thought that AI is risky and poses risk to their private things. They also believe that AI exacerbates racism by standardizing people and costs workers their job which leads to unemployment. As a matter of fact, that is true up to some extent but with all these disadvantages it also has advantages too.



The impact it has on society is a similar impact it has on human lives too. It also has both negative and positive impacts on humans in their everyday lives. Artificial intelligence improves social media in your day to day lives like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and chatbots. 


It also helps you with digital assistants like Siri, Google Assistant and Alexa which will helps in performing our daily activities like scheduling, searching or commanding to open another app and other things which we do. 


They also help you with Emails like sending smart replies to people, filtering the mails, or anything you need regarding your activity with emails.

They also help you with Google searches like what you search and give you possible searches on your taskbar, controls your Google algorithm like what you want to want to watch or filter your searches according to your likes. 

They also give you a product recommendation, music recommendation, maps and directions; anything you need is at the tip of your finger.


Hence to conclude Artificial intelligence does make our lives easier to live and continue to do the tasks we do in our everyday lives. They make our work easy and simpler so that we don’t need to take extra time for that.

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