Why isn't there basic financial education in school?

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Teaching children how to spend and save money in an effective way, is very much important for the growth and development of our country.

Our children are the future of our country. It is important to teach every child about financial literacy. It is an effective component for the holistic development of a child.

Teaching children how to spend and save money in an effective way is very much important for them. Teaching children how to manage and save money is important for their bright future.

Every adult will face investment, taxes, planning family budget, and saving money in their life. If right from childhood they have knowledge about financial education, then they are able to take the right financial decisions in future.

Today, we are seeing that financial education is not taught at school. It is important for every school to teach their students about financial education. Our education system needs to be updated. Schools are teaching their students about everything except financial education.

They have forgotten its importance. If a child is financially literate then he is able to understand the value of money and most importantly how to spend it in an effective way.


There are the certain reasons why financial literacy is not taught in school:-

1. Lack of teachers who are proficient in financial education:- This is the first main reason why financial literacy is not taught in schools.

There are few teachers who have a good knowledge of financial education. As a result, they are not able to teach children about it.

The school system still focuses on subjects like maths, chemistry, and English, these are important but financial literacy is also very much important for all the children. 

It is important to teach financials from standard. It is important to emphasize the need and importance of financial Education. Teachers are not well prepared to teach children about financial education.

2. Outdated curriculum in schools:-  Updating the curriculum of education is very much important for the growth and development of our children.

Children of today are youths of tomorrow. Curriculum development initiatives are still restricted only to English, Mathematics, and Science.

It is essential to include financial education as an important subject in the curriculum. We have to adopt an education system that is capable of transforming a child into a responsible and intelligent adult. The syllabus of every school needs to be modified.

Financial education develops intellectual thinking. Hence, it should be taught in every school.


Financial education should be taught in every school, it must be taught as an important and compulsory subject for every child. It will make a big and positive difference.

It can empower young minds and is very much beneficial for them in developing a secure future. It will enhance their intellectual ability.

They will learn how to use money in a positive way. When children are financially literate, then they are able to achieve remarkable success.

They can understand how to spend money, and how to invest it in the correct way. Government should also emphasize teaching financial literacy in every school.

If children are financially literate then they will not involve in bankruptcy and will avoid financial debts in the future also.

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